I am Bonnie Kurtz, a woman with a passion for fashion.
My love for garments started in an Oklahoma 4-H club when I was in the 4th grade. Through my school years I designed, constructed and modeled garments for dress revues. My degree in Home Economics came from Oklahoma State University and my love for fashion was off and running.
I taught for a short time before marrying and starting a family. When a Stein Mart store opened near my home offering a part time job in the upper end ladies department, I jumped at the chance to dive back into the fashion circle. A couple of years later the CEO of the company developed a new position and the store manager offered it to me. I was soon producing and hosting style shows and fashion seminars for corporations and women’s groups. I did this for over 15 years.
After being invited into the closets of my models and customers to organize and refine their wardrobes, closet 2 chic was born. My goal is to help clients free themselves of unnecessary purchases, incorrect silhouettes and garment excess. I help them realize they only need the “Oh, Wow’s” and basics in their closets. When you toss in a mix of accessories, you are good to go. I get such a feeling of satisfaction in transforming a closet and helping clients discover silhouettes that compliment their body type.